[Joke] A Drinking Problem
App Tech / Web Tech Encashment, Point, Sale Honey Tip Collections A Drinking Problem 음주 문제 "It's no good, Mari, I can't find anything wrong with you, it must be the effects of drinking," said the doctor. "마리 씨, 좋지 않아요. 전 당신에게서 문제를 찾을 수가 없군요. 아마도 술 때문인 것 같아요." 의사가 말했다. "Well, in that case I'll come back when you're sober!" exclaimed the woman. "음, 그럼, 당신이 술을 깨면 다시 올게요!" 그녀가 외쳤다. Another Collectio..
2022. 8. 7.
[Joke] Officer and Soldier
App Tech / Web Tech Encashment, Point, Sale Honey Tip Collections Officer and Soldier 장교와 병사 Officer: Soldier, do you have change for a dollar? 장교 : 병사, 자네 1달러 짜리 잔돈 있나? Soldier: Sure, buddy. 병사: 그럼요, 친구. Officer: That’s no way to address an officer. Now, let’s try that again. Soldier, do you have change for a dollar? 장교 : 장교한테 그런 식으로 말하면 안되지.., 자 다시 해보게. 병사, 1달러 짜리 잔돈 있나? Soldier: No, sir! 병사: ..
2022. 8. 1.
[Joke] Successful Operation
App Tech / Web Tech Encashment, Point, Sale Honey Tip Collections Successful Operation 성공한 수술 "Oh doctor," said the man as he regained consciousness, "tell me please, was the operation successful?". "아, 의사 선생님", 의식을 되찾은 남자가 말했다. "제발 말해주세요, 수술은 성공적이었나요?" "I’m sorry," came the reply, "I'm not the doctor, I’m an angel." "죄송합니다," 라는 대답이 돌아왔다. "저는 의사가 아니라 천사입니다." Another Collection of Jokes On You co..
2022. 7. 31.